The Tyalgum Community Hall Association Inc. (TCHA) operates as an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 [NSW]. The Association is a not-for-profit community organisation which is the trustee of the Hall and the land on which it sits. The Association's Management Committee is responsible for the governance and affairs of the Association .
The Management Committee is authorised to control the hiring, maintenance and financial viability of the Hall for the community benefit now and for future generations.
Financial management of the Hall relies on acquisition of government and other grants to finance maintenance projects. The general day to day operation of the Hall is funded by Hall hire and fund raising activities.
The Hall Association is very grateful for the donations and support received from many individuals, businesses, volunteers and government grants towards maintaining the Hall.
Membership of the Hall Association
The Hall Association welcomes new members. If you would like to volunteer with other community members to help maintain this significant Heritage building, please come to a Hall meeting.
Meetings are held in the Hall on the first Tuesday of March, June, September and December at 6:30pm. The AGM is held immediately prior the December meeting.
Annual membership fee is $2.00 per person. Members receive notice of and minutes from the Association meetings.
The Management Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting held each year. Only current members may vote or hold a committee member position.

Tyalgum Community Hall Historical Marker
Upgrade of
Hall Stage
proudly supported by
the NSW Government.

Northern Rivers Community Foundation